It is possible to add line discounts based on customer, customer groups, product series and product type.
Partner Line Discounts and Partner Group Line Discounts will be calculated when an item is added into an order.
Discount percentage/value will not be shown in the order.
If the discount percentage/value needs to be shown in the order, please add it in the customer “Details” tab or in the “Document Header” when creating a new quote.
Select the customer you would like to set a discount for.
Go to the “Pricing Group” tab and select “Partner Line Discount”.
Adding Partner Line Discounts
Click on the “+” to add a new entry.
Enter the required fields.
Product Series configured in the system.
Item Type
Configured Product
MTO Product
Catalog Product
Price Category
Price Categories configured in the system.
Discount value. (0-100). Eg: 40.
Opening type from the product series: Eg; Single Hung: SH.
If “No Selection” is set, discount will apply for every opening type on the series.
From Date
Starting date for each discount.
To Date
End date for each discount.
For faster data entry, it is possible to copy an existing line and then change any of the parameters.
You may also download a CSV file to fill in with a spreadsheet software and then upload it when finished.
Adding Partner Group Line Discounts
Partner Group Line Discounts can be accessed through any of the partners on the list. However, a group line discount will affect every customer within the selected group.
Product Series configured in the system.
Item Type
Configured Product
MTO Product
Catalog Product
Partner Group
Customer groups configured in the system.
Price Category
Price Categories configured in the system.
Discount value. (0-100). Eg: 40.
Opening type from the product series: Eg; Single Hung: SH.
If “No Selection” is set, discount will apply for every opening type on the series.
From Date
Starting date for each discount.
To Date
End date for each discount.
For faster data entry, it is possible to copy an existing line and then change any of the parameters.
You may also download a CSV file to fill in with a spreadsheet software and then upload it when finished.
Click Save to finish.
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